Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My New Website!

Charcoal Grey and Lemon Yellow are in this year, ok?

After about a year of neglecting my blog, I've created a new website for me to neglect! The new site, located at is intended to showcase my abilities as a graphic designer and web programmer.
I created the site in Notepad, using CSS to format the text and graphics, and a custom PHP/SQL content management system to let me upload pages as "articles" much like a blog, which are then listed on various category pages.

Articles listed for each category
I decided not to go for the usual 2- or 3-column layouts, instead opting to put the page content and navigation in various round-edged rectangles. I chose the striking colour scheme after seeing two separate home renovation shows where they painted a room dark grey and bright yellow. If at some later date I decide to change it, I should be able to use PHP to let the user select from a set of themes, while keeping the same dynamically generated content.

When writing the CSS, I found that some things would only work in Internet Explorer, or only in Firefox, but not both. In the end I chose to make separate CSS files for each and use a PHP script to serve up the right one.

Different look for IE


david santos said...

Hi, Adrian!
Nice posting. Thank you.

Unknown said...

"When writing the CSS, I found that some things would only work in Internet Explorer, or only in Firefox, but not both."

Yeah, aren't standards wonderful things when software developers decide to ignore them :(